All the places you want to go require an honest look at where you are.
If you are unwilling to see where you stand, you have no chance of seeing where you want to be.
A map is useless to you, no matter how many wonderful places it shows you a clear path to, without knowing your location.
Have you looked? Have you avoided looking because you know its going to suck?
Let me let you in on a secret, the avoidance makes it that much bigger, stronger and darker than it is. Your involvement on any level, your willingness to put yourself in the arena alone, disarms the reality from changing it in your mind. You focus on it, it freezes. You disengage, it goes back to a mental construct. In this form, it can evolve, interpret, morph and become something else.
We avoid our finances and the debt in our mind becomes an unclimbable mountain. We avoid communicating with our partner and the small disconnects become a full derailment. We avoid the pain of the first few vulnerable visits to the gym and the extra weight becomes a health condition.
And we can’t fully focus on it all, that’s not avoidance. Avoidance is where we are not even aware, measuring or involved. We are no longer trying to maintenance. And when we let go in that capacity, it mutates.
All it requires is our presence, intention and involvement. You’re not going to nail it all, life ebbs and flows. But you do yourself no favors to drain an area of your life to zero and hope it “makes it through” until you feel like picking it up again.
You and your life are a direct answer to what you chose to focus on, what you decided it meant and what you ultimately did about it.