How to COMPLETELY Change Your Life in ONE Year — Kara Payton
Here’s to breaking new ground in your life, starting new chapters and allowing yourself to evolve. It’s not always a comfortable thing, I know well.
The discomfort in remaining protected by my fear finally outweighed the discomfort of moving onto unknown grounds. If this resonates with you in any way, can I dare you to move through it? Even little movement, results in standing in a different place. 365 tiny pivots add to a LOT of change. 365 words written, steps taken, dollars saved, tasks checked, minutes working out, ounces of water consumed or submissions made is movement! What if you did it even if it was small? What would it look like in a year if you just did it without counting it out as too small or not enough? If it is the difference between doing something or nothing-what would you want?
Don’t underestimate what you can affect in your trajectory with small, right action. If you don’t do anything, you’re guaranteed the same outcome. I finally know this to be undeniably true. I thought it was poetic and logically understood it for years but it clicked into place over the last few days.
My coach has known me for over 5 years and spoke simply to a pattern I ran. I received it and because of that, it revealed so many other branches this pattern was affecting. To him, a small observation. To me, a new trajectory.
See, at some point within those small actions you take-momentum from all the others build behind it. This is sometimes never reached because we don’t believe that the small things matter. This is your mind, your fear, attempting to keep you small. If it does, you don’t risk failing and if you don’t risk failing, you are safe. The mind wants to keep you safe but at what cost?
Typically the cost of your dreams, your relationships, your highest good, your best life, your fulfillment and your happiness.
What if you took the next 100 days, to commit to the smallest of things just to play with the idea? To see what changes. To watch you ease into the rhythm of a new pattern. You could surprise yourself, inspire yourself, challenge yourself, move yourself, trust yourself. And when you have that, dear one, you cannot be stopped by anything but you.
Originally published at on August 17, 2021.