It Is What It Is, But It Means What You Say It Means — Kara Payton
There will be so many places in life where the inner calling of your highest self leads your life in a direction that seems to push you to the edge of a cliff.
You resist and think, “I don’t want this. Why is this happening? My life is falling apart!”
Yet, if in these moments, you can be brave enough to breathe,
to slow way down,
to step away from the fear of falling…
You may be able to lean over the edge of the cliff, into the wind and feel the support underneath you.
All chapters of life, all cracks in the walls, all change…is a resulting external sight of that which we have been calling into our lives.
The sight itself may be something we do not understand, something that appears to be moving in the wrong direction.
If we can, in that moment, slow down and release the resistance, we may be amazed at what happens on the other side.
Life is this way, this process is be design. Your highest inner being has no regard for you keeping a job you have been unhappy with because you’re comfortable. It knows no limits and when the day comes for you to be fired so that you can move to what lights your soul up-your inner being delights in being fired-it is us who panics.
Slow down and in those moments, you can slow the stress response. Our fear build up is 80% of the pain we experience in life as it is. We add meaning to change, change by itself is nothing more than a weightless fact of life.
Your diagnosis, geographical location, past failures, lost relationship, disability, injury all mean what you say they mean.
Without the meaning you give it, they have none.
What meaning have you given the changes you face? Do they empower you or disempower you? Do they take your power or give you power?
How could you choose a different meaning that serves your inner being and leans in to the wind at the edge of the cliff?
When you jump off the edge of change, do you feel the fall or the wind underneath you?
Originally published at on March 16, 2022.