Something to Remember Right Now
Everyone is doing the best they can with what they’ve got.
We don’t need to step in with a rebuttal to their opinions, shame their choices, discount their grief or invalidate their fear. Everyone is going through this a different way.
One thing I am seeing, I’m seeing the humanity in everyone come out. I’m seeing creative solutions and ways to get around the limitations in ways I’ve never seen. I’ve been amazed, awed and inspired by the acts of kindness and encouragement offered.
What’s WRONG with the world/people/everything is always available, but so is what’s right. What benefit is there in being at the ready to point out what’s “wrong”? It’s subjective 99% of the time anyway. We’re not going to affect change this way. And that is what I feel most of us are collectively after.
The way to affect any change is and always has been love. You can see evidence of this in any arena where love IS and is NOT. The political world and media moguls are a world commonly absent of this and notice that there is the most resistance, the least amount of progress and fluidity toward solution. The more we tighten, contract and create friction with this sharp-tongued activity, the longer that world will sit stagnant and poisonous.
The way we create change is being changed. By walking away from the flame when it sparks and allowing the cool water of love and truth to continue to move through you. When you join in, you pinch the flow off and submit yourself to the very fire you hoped to extinguish.
If you need to see this, continue to fight, spit your view out into the sea of angry voices and see if it does anything other than exhaust you and grate your soul against its heel.
Love. Those you judge, love them. See them as innocent. See them as you. Just another human clawing upward and trying to be heard and seen. From a place of love you will have the vantage to view the sea and witness humanity as one collective of voices yelling at one another trying to move us all. When we stop trying to yell the loudest, we will realize that it is not achievable. In a room where everyone is screaming, no one is heard. This is why you see the power hungry, remain hungry.
I know it is easy to become pulled into, our hearts desire to fan flames. Let’s just take the time to inventory whether we are fanning the flames of our evolution or our destruction. We can get through this and even thrive like we never have before. It’s not about choosing a side, it’s about choosing all of us.
Live boldly and thrive loves,
Kara Payton | @liveboldlyandthrive |