It may be too little, it may be too late but maybe a whisper in the chaos will find a kind of amnesty among tired souls who would like to discontinue hacking at the base of the identity politics trees they have all clawed their way to the tops of. Maybe someone out there is tired enough to try something new….and listen.

Kara Payton
6 min readOct 19, 2020


What you have chosen to see about me has been thrust into your eyes by a program you refuse to question. So let me unmask it for you.

I am a patriot. I love my nation and have a depth of knowledge about how she got here, the attacks she has seen in previous wars against her that resemble this time, what she stands for, and represents that is entirely unlike ANY other on the face of this earth.

I recognize her darker days, with the blood of good men of all color seeping into the scorched ground. I recognize the streets that once filled with the steps of those TRULY held back from their liberties, fighting honorably for equal decency and the irrevocable dignity deserved to them.

I feel the tension underneath my feet as the soil aches and moans in the breakage and regrowth. I absorb the pulling and tearing at her flesh for control as she burns fiercely with no ease to the flames that encase her. She is innocent of the evil that tramples atop her beauty yet, she will forcibly host the events in the days ahead as she has for hundreds of years.

There is a new weapon that has been introduced to our time that has power unlike any we’ve ever seen. It is cerebral. The ‘weaponization’ by voluntary submission to a set of beliefs despite the cognitive dissonance, blatant absence of logic & common sense, and hypocritical double standards.

So I’d like to take just a moment to clarify who you are discarding in the process of pacifying your survival need to belong somewhere during this time of uncertainty and division.

I can’t speak for everyone but I know I represent more than less.

I was previously a-political as our President was. I even would have considered myself left of center, if anything, prior to knowing where each party fell on the issues we vote on.

I was never talked to by either side nor did I engage for input by either side during my journey. I wouldn’t have known who to ask anyway as I didn’t talk about politics with anyone. I considered myself “too spiritual,” “too evolved” and not secular enough to meddle in such matters. A love for the country and those who inherited it seemed two different missions. America and politics sang two different melodies and I was only interested in one playing softly in the background. I had no interest in furthering my investment nor did I feel it would enrich my life or those around me if I began to carry the tune.

So as I began, I remained unsettled on any information I found until my own unbiased intuition stopped signaling me to press for more data. When I found that my gut didn’t jostle with questions, I knew something had qualified itself in a way more valuable than an outer source could offer. Then what remained, I did go ahead and verify through non-partisan sources.

I left any previous states of mind or belief behind, knowing very well I had no knowledge of what was happening in today’s world and had never taken the time to involve myself.

What I found was very staggering, very eye-opening, and at times, very disturbing.

My early discoveries credited Donald J. Trump for being an achieved real estate investor from New York, a wealthy has-been playboy, and a phenomenal businessman. He had warts he had earned honestly but, truth be told, even as an unbiased learner, I skimmed over them as I didn’t feel they held any credible ground to qualify or disqualify him from a position in Congress. I mean, what wealthy, oily, sheep-suited wolf in the sea of glad-handing check writers went through any kind of integrity qualifiers before him? None. And they all had warts to make an 18th-century witch blush. So why would we start now when a president just a few years prior played oral office with little to no recoil? Not to mention, his warts were all in his mouth anyway. As I dug, his accusers all took the avatar of a bitter scorned woman looking to hook a paycheck for their inability to accept a proper rejection or swallow the lack of bedside manner from a rough and raw New Yorker. No one had proof, (as many heinously toxic “me too” ballbusting tyrants tend to lack when they partake in their evening constitutional of castration and congress.) So I dismissed. He has a dense tongue that he chokes on from time to time. If he can run a country, I don’t care if he runs his mouth. Do I love it? No. Can I thrive uninterruptedly without the warm fuzzies? Definitely. They don’t pay my bills or protect my liberties. The last time I tried to cash in warm fuzzies for rights or a payout, I was told ’14 days to flatten the curve.’

This dismissal of his lack of excessive warmth or empathy was made doubly necessary by the absolutely unmatched positive productivity I was drowning in. Pre and post-political office occupant, this man was a machine. There is not a single president in the last 200 years that had touched the level of achievement he has for the advancement of our nation’s values. This thoroughly considers each time of great change in our nation such as each war, recession, and industry birthing season. He’s brazen and raw, but he doesn’t play the game and can’t be bought and sold. Which means his interests cannot be swayed to any other true north than that of which he has stated, the interest of our great nation and her people.

To the demise of my naivety, I energetically shared all my discoveries. I was so proud. I had something valuable. I felt like someone who struck gold where everyone previously marked a junkyard. So I was so vastly unprepared for the unceremonious exile that followed. One by one, family, friends, past clients, and fellow classmates picked up their bricks of social cement complete with groupthink, cult tagline, unchecked bias/ignorance, and propaganda-laden lines in the sand and chucked them at our relationship until I properly dropped from their lives one by one.

What followed in the weeks ahead was a good deal more hefty climbs and nasty falls. All the while, the same small crowd of gazers remained after dust fell. Their gentle smiles, nods, and the help back up awaited me without fail. Each time, the numbers grew and the help back up became more readily prepared. It became evident that these gazers were standing by, watchful, protecting, and vetted by many before them. Their heartbeat seemed to sync with that of the America I was taught about as a child. An undercurrent that couldn’t be shaken, even in the midst of those who sought to drain our flag to black and white. It was clear to me that you can aim to strip the face of America, but you cannot strike her heart.

And in this process of being repeatedly face down in the dirt, each time my fist pounded the earth to get back up and continue to speak the truth I had found, something came alive in me.

I am deeply encouraged by those who I’ve crossed paths with, some of whom have been present for my first public disavowing. I know I could never return to the arena with such momentum or enthusiasm if I knew I was truly alone.

After my brief experience firsthand, I have no doubt that there is a war being waged for truth, an attack coming to destroy our nation, and what she stands for. America as we know her is being overtaken by a force using every means available to our increasingly sophisticated species.

I believe America is the beacon of hope, truth, and freedom and we must not allow her to be snuffed out. This is a call to that undercurrent, the heartbeat in you as an American to be heard so loud it is felt once again in the ground beneath every being that stands on our soil.

So in conclusion, thank you to those who were able to fight off the urge to slam shut and label me anything but a fellow American. I hope my offering in the noise helps you see why I am completely content standing in the arena as a Deplorable while you sit comfortably in the stands and listen to the gnashing of lion’s teeth that I await being released on me along with everyone who’s gone before me. We understand the lion’s roar you hear is nothing but a scripted media recording and now hear the undercurrent of our nation’s heart over the noise. We have faced the illusory exile and we are not alone down here in the dirt, you just can’t hear them. #silentmajority



Kara Payton
Kara Payton

Written by Kara Payton

Getting lost and showing the way. I dare you to be honest with everyone about who you really are.

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