The Sound of Freedom

Kara Payton
4 min readJul 4, 2023


Fight for the light.

If you knew you could stop something terrible from happening, would you do it? What if it were going to happen to a child? Your child? Do you become more willing?

Most of us have the heart and willingness to step between a terrible fate and another person, if we know how, if we are told what will help. Most of us at our core, want to make a difference in our lives. And here today, in 2023, we’re being given one of the biggest invitations to do that than ever before in humanity.

The problem is, it is the ugliest fate any child could ever endure, suffering we can barely imagine. But because it is not polite dinner conversation, and is too hard to talk about, we somehow manage to tuck it away into a place that lulls us into our lives, as if its less real because we’re not face to face with it. Meanwhile these children are trapped in a world we don’t want to look at.

And as we all agree to keep it less real in our minds, every year 2 million more children are sucked into the bowels of the deepest kind of hell. That’s roughly 5,479 children everyday. Kidnapped from their homes to be raped every single day for as many as ten years or more. Nearly 5,500 innocent childhoods destroyed, never to return home, see a familiar face, or be held in arms that care for them. It grows closer and closer to our own neighborhoods every day.

Many of the parents whose children have been abducted struggle most with the idea that they never thought it would happen to them and that their hopelessness that the day the world will ever choose to see this, and show up may never come.

It goes on in rising numbers across the globe right under our noses while we complain about traffic, slow internet, and incorrect coffee orders.
I will not pretend that I exist in another world apart from a child who’s life was ripped from their tiny little bodies anymore. I’m not asking you to live in a state of despair, or be the hands that directly pull these children out of ruin, but I am asking you to stop pushing them out of your mind to make it easier to mow your lawns, plan your vacations, and hug your own children.

It IS happening in every moment, and we do not just have the choice between being resigned to it or being the front line to fight against it. Everyone, standing where they are, can step up to the front line. And if we all do, we can see the end of this global crisis in our lifetime.

As a fellow human, I am literally begging you to do something here and now to step onto the line.

There is a movie called “The Sound of Freedom” out in theatres now. I watched it yesterday, it is eye opening, sobering and incredibly necessary. The more who view this privately funded film that overcame immense barriers and obstacles to bring this movement to the masses, the more awareness we can bring to the world.

Tim Ballard who leads OUR Rescue tells his true story in this heartbreaking film. Many of you also know Tim Tebow, he leads the Tim Tebow Foundation, where he also works as feet on the ground to spread the message and rescue victims of trafficking.

There are more people trapped in slavery than any other time in human history, including when slavery was legal. It is a 150 billion dollar per year industry and is soon to surpass the drug & arms trade.

I know this not a love & light type message, I know this is not a heartwarming story, but the truth is that you can be a part of one, the biggest rescue of humanity ever to exist.

You cannot remove darkness from a dark room, but you can add light. And with enough of us, we can light every corner of the world and bring these children home.

Please don’t let the numbers discourage you, if you knew that you saved one, would you feel that it was worth it? Everyone can do that. You can start by simply watching a movie, sharing a ticket, and bringing your friends and family into the awareness needed to eradicate this terrible crime.
Please step forward, we need all of us.

This is the most profoundly meaningful thing we as humans could ever work to overcome in our history.

But we need everyone to step up to the line. If we never unite or agree on a single other thing, let us all agree on this.

Let the day this plague falls be within our lifetime. We can do it, we will do it, we MUST do it.

Nothing else matters more.

Fight for the light.

Get or give a free ticket



Kara Payton
Kara Payton

Written by Kara Payton

Getting lost and showing the way. I dare you to be honest with everyone about who you really are.

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