There is Nothing Wrong with being Naive — Kara Payton
Listen closely dear one,
There is nothing wrong with rose colored glasses.
There is nothing wrong with adopting a little less focus on reality.
There is nothing wrong with being able to smile when there’s nothing apparent to smile about.
There’s nothing wrong with knowing everything is always working out for you.
There is nothing wrong with believing that life is always beautiful.
There is nothing wrong with focusing on only the positive, loving, kind or beautiful.
There is nothing wrong with just being happy everyday.
There is nothing wrong with living in your own little corner of the world.
There is nothing wrong with daydreaming.
There is nothing wrong with feeling good.
There is nothing wrong with seeing the good in everything and everyone.
There is nothing wrong with knowing bliss intimately.
There is nothing wrong with nothing being wrong.
And there is nothing wrong if you don’t believe any of that.
Originally published at on August 12, 2021.