you are based on a true story

Kara Payton
2 min readJun 7, 2024

there is a place within you where everything, everyone, and every place you’ve been is still living.

a story, a history, a world is written in the mind and imprinted on the heart.

we live, breathe, fly, drown, grow, destroy, move, create, fall, wrestle, plead, and move within this story.

most of our lives are pulsing underneath a film we don’t recognize that blots our fingertips from the surface.

until we accept the invitation from our highest nature, we do not see the power we hold to participate in the writing and press our palms deeply into the clay that shape us.

what echoes in the air around you that you wish you turn from?

where are the thorns that break the surface of your comfort?

when will the doorways that your soul calls you toward hold your welcomed embrace?

you are based on a true story.

one crafted by your history, meaning, and perception.

one curated by your accepting the invitation.

to sink your hands into its soil.

to remove, clear, and discard what has remained for too long.

to plant, nurture, and kiss alive what you wish to feel again.

this is your own.

you are based on a true story.

decide what is true.

decide what is your story.



Kara Payton

Getting lost and showing the way. I dare you to be honest with everyone about who you really are.