Your Dreams are NOT Canceled
THIS PANDEMIC ISN’T LAW that means you WILL succumb to financial ruin, health failure or lethargy. I dare you to decide for yourself what this means for you. You saw this today for a reason.
Did you know that decide actually means to “cut off?” I feel we need to remind ourselves of the power we hold in each day with that one ability, the ability to decide.
To build strong bodies, to reframe priorities, to dig deep into our creative powers, to forge our relationships, to develop new habits and to completely reset our lives.
This won’t be just a barren pit I pray to get out of. Why? Because I chose this means I have the time to rebuild an entire lifestyle and frankly, I need every second of this to do that.
You are a decision away. You start at zero, everyone does. The fact that you didn’t do it yesterday doesn’t matter. THAT IS A GATE THAT YOU’VE CREATED IN YOUR MIND. IT DOESN’T EXIST.
Don’t define this like the person next to you just to belong. I know what it feels like, it’s so good to have commiseration in all this. It feels like home in the best way. BUT, that same “we’re all in this together” also has a hidden risk of remaining in the suffering until life goes back to “status quo” if we don’t choose to get up ourselves before its over. We can STILL say “we’re in this together” but be aware — you will not truly help anyone by laying next to them talking about how horrible this is. We know that, let’s do something with it.
And to be VERY raw for a moment, if you think those that have died will be honored by you ACTING as though you ARE DEAD yourself, you are buying the guilt those in power would have you carry to remain easily governed by the fear they market for you to breathe in like oxygen. (That is in NO way implying I do not have reverence for the fact that we are in an unprecedented time in the world that requires our respect and caution. STAY HOME. But you don’t have to stay home drinking, scrolling or miserably griping for this to be over so you can get back into your favorite rut.)
Pick yourself up in the name of EVERY human who has fallen from this, or any other tragedy. You LIVING an overwhelmingly abundant life does not spite those that no longer can. It burns your torch with energy beyond yourself.
And if your rising will mean you are on your feet solo — be OK to stand and thrive alone than to lay complacent with millions.
You are the creator and the creation. Who do you WANT to be? You do not NEED permission to step into it. You have global proof that the WHOLE world can change seemingly overnight. What makes you think you cannot? Take that belief and nail it to the altar of all the limiting beliefs you are leaving behind TODAY.
Build a life that doesn’t require you to break your heart to settle for.